2024 Delivery Prices
We offer a fast and reliable delivery service. For most local, bulk orders we can deliver same day or next day. If you need bags delivered, please give us a 72-hour notice.
Delivery Zones & Prices
You will see a bulk price listed for all bulk mulch, soil, and gravel products. If you need bags delivered, you will see the bag delivery rate listed. The bag delivery price is more expensive due to the size of truck needed, additional equipment necessary, more expensive labor (CDL Driver), etc. If you are a contractor looking for delivery services, please add $10 to each price.
Powell Zone 1
This area includes the following neighborhoods: Woods of Sawmill, Grandshire, Big Bear Farms, and Murphy's Park.
Bulk Delivery $30 - Bag Delivery $50
Powell Zone 2
This area includes all other areas of Powell (Including the Smoky Row area).
Bulk Delivery $40 - Bag Delivery $60
Dublin Zone 1
This area includes Dublin up to Brand and Avery.
Bulk Delivery $50 - Bag Delivery $70
Dublin Zone 2 & Worthington Hills
This area includes all other Dublin areas and the Worthington Hills neighborhood.
Bulk Delivery $60 - Bag Delivery $80
Delaware, Lewis Center, & Worthington
This area includes all of Delaware, Lewis Center, and Worthington (Excluding Worthington Hills)
Bulk Delivery $85 - Bag Delivery $105
This area includes all of Westerville. Please provide a 72-hour notice for this zone.
Bulk Delivery $120 - Bag Delivery $140
This area includes all of Hilliard. Please provide a 72-hour notice for this zone.
Bulk Delivery $120 - Bag Delivery $140
This area includes all of Columbus. Please provide a 72-hour notice for this zone.
Bulk Delivery $150 - Bag Delivery $170